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Vocabulary Made Easy series: Communication is the key to success

While many are figuring out how to climb the career ladder, what many do not understand is that communication is the key to success. With good communication skills and vocabulary to back you up, you can be assured of making an impression among your peers.
Here’s a way to improve your vocabulary and communication skills. Check out the words for the day and a small quiz to push yourself to improve your word power and language skills.
Fanaticism (Noun)
Meaning: the quality of being fanatical
Example: The prospects are for more destruction, fanaticism, violence and hatred
Also Read: Vocabulary Made Easy series: Work hard to improve your language skills
Fanfare (Noun)
Meaning: a short ceremonial tune or flourish played on brass instruments, typically to introduce something or someone important
Example: The studio released this film with great fanfare but no commercial success

Farce (Noun)
Meaning: a comic dramatic work using buffoonery and horseplay and typically including crude characterization and ludicrously improbable situations
Example: It adds to the farce when they cannot quite make their costume changes fast enough

Fastidious (Adjective)
Meaning: very attentive to and concerned about accuracy and detail
Example: He always loves to have everything very chic and polished and fastidious

Fecundity (Noun)
Meaning: the ability to produce an abundance of offspring or new growth; fertility
Example: The fecundity of Elizabethan language was an extraordinary phenomenon produced by an extraordinary society

Febrile (Adjective)
Meaning: having or showing the symptoms of a fever/ characterized by a great deal of nervous excitement or energy
Example: Chest radiographs may, however, be normal during the febrile prodrome and throughout the illness

Put your thinking cap on and try to answer the following questions to understand how much you have grasped.
Also Read: Vocabulary Made Easy series: Push your way through to achieve success

Watch out for this space for your weekly update on improving word power.
(Definitions and examples are from Oxford Languages)
